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Social Security Numident Codes / Acronyms

Social Security Numident Code Acronyms or Abbreviations

A cool document to request when doing family history is the original application for social security. It's public information and for small fee you can request it.

My great grandfather is Vicente Hernandez. It just so happens that we named my 3rd son's middle name after Vicente.

On this form we have his social (SSN), Ethnic Code (ETC), Reference Number (RFN), (NAA) or recorded name on ss card, birth date (DOB), Place of birth (PLB), Foreign County Indicator (FCI), District Office Address (DOA). (CLD) I'm not sure of - if you know please comment.

I was searching all over to find what they abbreviations or acronyms were on a recent social security numident printout for my great grandfather. Glad I finally found some info about it and thought I'd share so it's easy for you all to find. Here's the reference to the page.

Codes on SSA transcripts are also called NUMIDENT by the SSA. These are 3 letter codes that appear in the SSA printout (aka transcript):
SSN     Social Security Number (duh!)
SEX    Gender, can be M(ale), F(emale) or U(nknown).
DOB    Date of Birth
DOD    Date of Death
DOA    District Office Address
MNA    Mother's name
FNA    Father's name
PLB    Place of Birth
RFN     Reference Number - Internal file number.
IDN     Identification Code - Internal code indicating type of evidence provided.
NAA    Name on Social Security card.
NI-2    Other name used.
NI-3     Other name used.
PDB    Prior Date of Birth - Date of birth previously reported to Social Security Administration (SSA).
CSP    Citizenship Code
CYD/CYL Cycle Date, the day on which a new social secuiory card is printed/issued/sent out.
DOC    District Office Code. example: was DOC:180, or Bridgeton, NJ
ETC    the Ethnic Code (and there are scads of them....)
FMC    : is the code for the person/group/org that requests a SS card. 1 is for the applicant himself, 6 is for the hospital in which the child was born, etc.
IDN    Identification number, the code for the ID the applicant showed to get his papers. n cryptic codes. The codes you are probably interested in are:
FCI    Foreign Country Indicator

DI 21005.050 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)

These codes appear on MBR queries and microfiches.
Code    Type    Identification
&or 0    Wage Earner and Spouse    Retirement or disability
A    Wage Earner (Primary)    Retirement or disability
B    Aged Wife    First claimant
B1    Husband    First claimant
B2    Young Wife    First claimant
B3    Aged Wife    Second claimant
B4    Husband    Second claimant
B5    Young Wife    Second claimant
B6    Divorced Wife    First claimant
B7    Young Wife    Third claimant
B8    Aged Wife    Third claimant
B9    Divorced Wife    Second claimant
BA (B10)    Aged Wife    Fourth claimant
BD (B13)    Aged Wife    Fifth claimant
BG (B16)    Aged Husband    Third claimant
BH (B17)    Aged Husband    Fourth claimant
BJ (B19)    Aged Husband    Fifth claimant
BK (B20)    Young Wife    Fourth claimant
BL (B21)    Young Wife    Fifth claimant
BN (B23)    Divorced Wife    Third claimant
BP (B25)    Divorced Wife    Fourth claimant
BQ (B26)    Divorced Wife    Fifth claimant
BR (B27)    Divorced Husband    First claimant
BT (B29)    Divorced Husband    Second claimant
C1-C9, CA-
CK(C10-C20)    Child    Includes disabled or student child
D    Aged Widow    First claimant
D1    Widower    First claimant
D2    Aged Widow    Second claimant
D3    Widower    Second claimant
D4    Widow    Remarried after attainment of age 60
D5    Widower    Remarried after attainment of age 60
D6    Surviving Divorced Wife    First claimant
D7    Surviving Divorced Wife    Second claimant
D8    Aged Widow    Third claimant
D9    Remarried Widow    Second claimant
DA (D10)    Remarried Widow    Third claimant
DD (D13)    Aged Widow    Fourth claimant
DG (D16)    Aged Widow    Fifth claimant
DH (D17)    Aged Widower    Third claimant
DJ (D19)    Aged Widower    Fourth claimant
DK (D20)    Aged Widower    Fifth claimant
DL (D21)    Remarried Widow    Fourth claimant
DN (D23)    Remarried Widow    Fifth claimant
DP (D25)    Remarried Widower    Second claimant
DQ (D26)    Remarried Widower    Third claimant
DR (D27)    Remarried Widower    Fourth claimant
DT (D29)    Remarried Widower    Fifth claimant
DV (D31)    Surviving Divorced Wife    Third claimant
DW (D32)    Surviving Divorced Wife    Fourth claimant
DY (D34)    Surviving Divorced Wife    Fifth claimant
E    Widowed Mother    First claimant
E1    Surviving Divorced Mother    First claimant
E2    Widowed Mother    Second claimant
E3    Surviving Divorced Mother    Second claimant
E4    Widowed Father    First claimant
E5    Surviving Divorced Father    First claimant
E6    Widowed Father    Second claimant
E7    Widowed Mother    Third claimant
E8    Widowed Mother    Fourth claimant
E9    Surviving Divorced Father    Second claimant
EA (E10)    Widowed Mother    Fifth claimant
EB (E11)    Surviving Divorced Mother    Third claimant
EC (E12)    Surviving Divorced Mother    Fourth claimant
ED (E13)    Surviving Divorced Mother    Fifth claimant
EF (E15)    Widowed Father    Third claimant
EG (E16)    Widowed Father    Fourth claimant
EH (E17)    Widowed Father    Fifth claimant
EJ (E19)    Surviving Divorced Father    Third claimant
EK (E20)    Surviving Divorced Father    Fourth claimant
EM (E22)    Surviving Divorced Father    Fifth claimant
F1    Father     
F2    Mother     
F3    Stepfather     
F4    Stepmother     
F5    Adopting Father     
F6     Adopting Mother     
F7    Second Alleged Father     
F8    Second Alleged Mother     
G1-G9    Claimants of Lump-Sum Death Benefits (PIC Only)     
J1    Primary Prouty entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
J2    Primary Prouty entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
J3    Primary Prouty not entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
J4    Primary Prouty not entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
K1    Prouty wife entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
K2    Prouty wife entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
K3    Prouty wife not entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
K4    Prouty wife not entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
K5    Second Prouty Wife entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
K6    Second Prouty Wife entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
K7    Second Prouty Wife not entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
K8    Second Prouty Wife not entitled to deemed HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
K9    Third Prouty Wife entitled to deemed HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KA (K10)    Third Prouty Wife entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
KB (K11)    Third Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KC (K12)    Third Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
KD (K13)    Fourth Prouty Wife entitled to HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KE (K14)    Fourth Prouty Wife entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
KF (K15)    Fourth Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KG (K16)    Fourth Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
KH (K17)    Fifth Prouty Wife entitled to HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KJ (K19)    Fifth Prouty Wife entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
KL (K21)    Fifth Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Less than three quarters of coverage
KM (K22)    Fifth Prouty Wife not entitled to HIB    Over two quarters of coverage
M    Uninsured    Not qualified for deemed HIB
M1    Uninsured    Qualified for but refused HIB
T    Uninsured    Entitled to HIB under deemed or renal provisions
W    Disabled Widow    First claimant
W1    Disabled Widower    First claimant
W2    Disabled Widow    Second claimant
W3    Disabled Widower    Second claimant
W4    Disabled Widow    Third claimant
W5    Disabled Widower    Third claimant
W6    Disabled Surviving Divorced Wife    First claimant
W7    Disabled Surviving Divorced Wife    Second claimant
W8    Disabled Surviving Divorced Wife    Third claimant
W9    Disabled Widow    Fourth claimant
WB (W11)    Disabled Widower    Fourth claimant
WC (W12)    Disabled Surviving Divorced Wife    Fourth claimant
WF (W15)    Disabled Widow    Fifth claimant
WG (W16)    Disabled Widower    Fifth claimant
WJ (W19)    Disabled Surviving Divorced Wife    Fifth claimant





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